
Riot in the Matrix

Panel Discussion
22 September - 14:30
Theater aan het Spui | Foyer

Revolutionizing Communication and Ending Data Slavery

Giant corporations are harvesting our digital life, for the profit of only a few. “Free services” like Facebook, Skype, Whatsapp, and Google, among others, exploit our identity, our network, our content, and our communication history. Somehow we’ve all been misled into a form of digital data slavery. In this session a proposal for a radical shift of the current paradigm will be presented and discussed; a decentralization of our identity and contacts. Some of the most cutting edge developments in the field of revolutionary communication, user-centric identity and the blockchain will be discussed. Share your ideas and projects at this special gathering of professionals and continue spinning the wheel of the digital revolution.

This panel is presented in co-curation with Reworks festival, as part of the We are Europe network (supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union).