Evelina Rajca
Evelina Rajca, currently a resident at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, presents her site-responsive ‘instruments’ at TodaysArt. This sound installation is based on piezoelectric properties. One of the core materials, a partly self-cultivated quartz mineral, generates a small amount of electricity through pressure. A wooden drumstick, with a piezoelectric sensor inside, is striking the glass bells while they rotate around their own axes. There is a small electrical charge produced which is monitored and processed within the algorithmic composition, modulating the instruments’ frequencies. Countering this force to stay in balance, the resonating instruments are turning into self-regulating devices. The glass shapes can be tuned to specific tones, as with bells or singing bowls. Within her recent process based work Rajca questions if the “best” ecology is reasonably the one that keeps on operating under high pressure.