
DEFRAME + Collective Works


Words have meaning, only in a framework of a sentence. WordDrawing#1 looks at the meaning of words and how they transform into something new when the context is changed. Visitors of the Koningklijke Schouwburg will be bombarded with words that are all harvested from online sources. Every word, every source, every combination results in different readings and different “shades of color”. These word-streams are projected on top of the wall-painting WD #696 by Sol LeWitt and follows the instructions of this original work.

The use of instructions was a major strategy used by conceptual artists in the 20th century. Among its principal originators was Sol LeWitt, whose instructions for the wall-drawing WD #696 in the foyer of the Koninklijke Schouwburg consisted of definitions of the geometrical outlines and buildup of color fields. The large strips of color are built up from multiple layers of ecoline ink, directly applied to the wall’s surface. LeWitt’s working method of creating precise instructions to create an art piece are comparable to the code we write for computers to execute our visual designs and artworks today. 

By DEFRAME (Carolien Teunisse and Bram Snijders) and Collective Works (Peter Zuiderwijk).