Public under Construction - - 24 September - Public under Construction - - 24 September
"Moderated by: Peter Zuiderwijk (Collective Works) Monologues: Michiel van Iersel (Failed Architecture), Elma van Boxel + Kristian Koreman (ZUS), Koert van Mensvoort, Paolo Patelli + Giuditta Vendrame (La Jetée), Ruimte voor de Stad, Joris Wijsmuller and Willem Andree "
Moderated by: Peter Zuiderwijk (Collective Works)
Monologues: Michiel van Iersel (Failed Architecture), Elma van Boxel + Kristian Koreman (ZUS), Koert van Mensvoort, Paolo Patelli + Giuditta Vendrame (La Jetée), David van Keulen (Ruimte voor de Stad), Joris Wijsmuller, Mel Jordan (Royal Collega of Art / FReee art collective), Bram Ieven (University of Utrecht / ed. Interrupting the City), Rebekka Kiesewetter & Pablo Calderón Salazar (The Politics of Queueing and the Architecture of Queues), Christiaan Fruneaux (Monnik)
More than half of the world’s population lives in urban spaces and the need to address the formation, design and (un)spontaneity of future spaces grows stronger each day. The (re)construction of The Hague’s Spuiplein brings this case home and raises questions about the public space of now and what it could be in the future. What powers and forces concerning the future and decision making of the environment are involved? Who actually ‘owns’ the city? Taking place in the midst of the cultural and urban infrastructure of The Hague’s city center, in and around the RUIMTE installation, the Public under Construction sessions take the form of a series of monologues that collectively discuss the conflicts and opportunities surrounding urban areas in transition, and aim to spark new perspectives on designing, using and experiencing our public space and built environment.
24 September
13:00 - 16:00