Eric Kluitenberg
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Eric Kluitenberg


Eric Kluitenberg is a theorist, writer, curator, and educator working at the intersection of culture, politics, media, and technology. He is the Editor in Chief of the Tactical Media Files online documentation platform for Tactical Media. In 2013 he was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam. He teaches media theory at the Art Science Interfaculty in The Hague

Publications include: The Book of Imaginary Media (2006), Delusive Spaces (2008), Open, Journal for Art and the Public Domain: “Hybrid Space” (2006) / “(Im)Mobility” (2011), Legacies of Tactical Media (2011) Techno Ecologies (2012). Currently works on the preparation of an international anthology on Tactical Media co-edited with David Garcia, to be published by MIT Press in 2018.